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Miles, D. B. (1994) Covariation between Morphology and Locomotory Performance in Sceloporine Lizards. In Lizard Ecology: Historical and Experimental Perspectives, L.J. Vitt and E.R. Pianka (eds.) pp 207-235. Princeton University Press.
Miles, D. B. (1994) Population Differentiation in Locomotory Performance and the Potential Response of a Terrestrial Organism to Global Environmental Change. American Zoologist 34: 422-436.
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Miles, D. B., L. A. Fitzgerald, and H. L. Snell (1995) Morphological correlates of locomotion in hatchling marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Oecologia 103: 261-264.
Miles, D. B. and A. E. Dunham (1996) Paradox of the Phylogeny: Character displacement of analyses of body size evolution in island Anolis. Evolution 50: 594-603.
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Miles, D. B., B. Sinervo, and W. A. Frankino* (2000) Reproductive burden, locomotor performance, and the cost of reproduction in free-ranging lizards. Evolution 54: 1386 - 1395.
Sinervo, B., D. B. Miles, W. A. Frankino*, D. DeNardo, and M. Klukowski**. (2000) Testosterone, endurance and Darwinian fitness: Natural and sexual selection on the physiological bases of alternative male behaviors in side-blotched lizards. Hormones and Behavior 38: 222-233.
Miles, D. B., H. L. Snell, and H. M. Snell. (2001) Intrapopulation variation in endurance of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus albemarlensis): evidence for an interaction between natural and sexual selection. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 795 – 804.
Miles, D. B. R. Noecker*, M. M. White, and W. Roosenburg. (2002) Genetic relationships among populations of Sceloporus undulatus fail to support subspecific designations. Herpetologica 58: 277-292.
Losos, J. B. and D. B. Miles (2002). Testing the hypothesis that a clade has adaptively radiated: Iguanid lizard clades as a case study. The American Naturalist. 160: 147 – 157.
D.B. Miles (2004). The race goes to the swift: Fitness consequences of variation in sprint performance in juvenile lizards. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 6: 63 – 75.
V. W. Fazio III*, D. B. Miles, and M. M. White. (2004). Allozyme variation and population structure in the endangered Black-capped Vireo, Vireo atricapillus. The Condor 106: 377 – 385.
Miles, D. B., J. B. Losos, and D. J. Irschick. (2007) Morphology, performance and foraging mode. (2007), In Lizard Ecology. (S. M. Reilly, D. B. Miles and L. McBrayer, eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Pp. 49 - 93.
McBrayer, L. D., D. B. Miles, and S. M. Reilly (2007) The evolution of the foraging mode paradigm in lizard ecology. In Lizard Ecology. (S. M. Reilly, D. B. Miles and L. McBrayer, eds). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Pp. 508 - 521.
Miles, D. B., B. Sinervo, L. Hazard, E. Svensson, and D. Costa. (2007) Alternative Mating Strategies: Integrating Hormones, Physiology and Behavior. Functional Ecology. 21: 653 - 665.
Miles, D. B., B. Sinervo, and R. Calsbeek (2007) Corticosterone, locomotor performance, and metabolism in side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Hormones and Behavior 51: 548 - 555
Sinervo, B, B. Heulin, Y. Surget-Groba, J. Clobert, D. B. Miles, A. Corl, A. Chaine, and A. Davis. (2007) Models of density-dependent genic selection and a new rock-paper-scissors social system. American Naturalist. 170: 663 – 680.
Mills, S. C., L. Hazard, L. Lancaster, T. Mappes, D. B. Miles, T. A. Oksanen, and B. Sinervo. (2008) Gonadotropin hormone modulation of testosterone, immune function, performance and behavioral tradeoffs among male morphs of the lizard, Uta stansburiana. American Naturalist 171: 339 – 357.
Sinervo, B., J. Clobert, D. B. Miles, A. McAdam, and L. T. Lancaster (2008) The role of pleiotropy vs. signaller–receiver gene epistasis in life history trade-offs: dissecting the genomic architecture of organismal design in social systems. Heredity 101: 197 – 211.
Goodman, B. A., D. B. Miles, and L. Schwarzkopf. (2008) Life on the rocks: habitat use drives morphological and performance evolution in a clade of tropical lizards. Ecology 89: 3462 – 3471.
Sinervo, B., F. Mendez de la Cruz, D. B. Miles, et al. (2010) Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change and altered thermal niches. Science 328: 894 – 899.
Farris, K., S. Converse, S. Zack, W. Gaines, D. B. Miles et al. (2010) Short-term Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments on Avian Nest Survival: A National-Scale, Interdisciplinary Analysis. Open Environmental Sciences 4: 53 – 62.
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Sinervo, B. and D. B. Miles (2011) Hormones and the Reproductive Behavior in Reptiles. Biology of the Reptilia. Elsevier.
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Miles, D. B. (1992) A long-term study of natural selection in a natural population of the tree lizard. Proceedings of the Symposium on Research in Saguaro National Monument (C.P. Stone and E.S. Bellantoni, eds.), pp 121-129. National Park Service Publication.
Miles, D. B., I. Ungar and D. Bash (1994) Conceptual Framework for Arid-Land Characterization: Distribution of Lizards along the Jornada LTER transect. A report to the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Office, US Army Corps of Engineers
Miles, D. B. (2002) Survey for the Federally Endangered Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) at the Union Furnace Elementary School building site. Submitted to Sands Decker Ltd.
Miles, D. B. (2002). Wildlife. National FFS Study 4th Annual SMIC Meeting. Vinton Furnace Experimental Forest.
1991 "Evolutionary disentanglement" Review of P.H. Harvey and M.D. Pagel "The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology". Science 254: 134-136.
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1994 Review of E.L. Charnov, "Life History Invariants: Some explorations of symmetry in evolutionary ecology" Ecology 75: 2143-2144.
1996 Review of M. Bulmer "Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology" Quarterly Review of Biology 71: 437-438.